Stablo nastaje od 1999 godine i projekt je u tijeku. Zamišljeno je da
postane stalni dio online postava "Virtualni Kolan". Podaci u stablu
upisani su usmenim kazivanjem pojedinaca i iz knjiga rođenih i umrlih,
te je moguće i vrlo vjerojatno da nisu svi podaci točni.
Pozivamo sve zainteresirane da pomognu svojim dokumentima i znanjem u
ispravljanju pogrešaka. Svatko tko doprinese sa više od 100 novih unosa će
biti naveden u Stablu kao suradnik. Rast Stabla je grafički prikazan ovdje:
jpg file, 72kB
E-mail adresa za kontakt je:
miljenko.cemeljic at
Genealogical tree is a project in making since 1999. It is envisaged that it
will be a part of the online exhibition "Virtual Kolan". All the data in the
Tree are from oral interview with locals, and from books of born and dead.
Therefore, there is lots of place for improvement.
We invite anyone interested to help by their knowledge and documents in
correcting the errors. Everyone who contributes with more than 100 new
entries, will be mentioned in the Family Tree as a collaborator.
Growth of Family Tree in time is shown here: jpg file, 72kB.
Contact E-mail address is: miljenko.cemeljic at
Gornja slika prikazuje cijelo Stablo, koje trenutno obuhvaća 3860 osobe u
Kolanu i Zubovićima tokom zadnjih 500 godina. Čitljiva slika Stabla u jpg
formatu: jpg
file, 7MB
Iz razloga zaštite podataka, slika je slabije kvalitete. Ako ste
zainteresirani dobiti preciznije (i aktualizirane) podatke, molimo obratite se autoru na
gornju adresu.
Picture above shows the complete Tree. It shows 3860 individuals in
Kolan and oldest known of Zubovici during last 500 years. Readable picture of the Tree in jpg format is
here: jpg
file, 7MB
For reasons of data protection, given is a low quality picture. If you are
interested in more precise (and updated) data, contact the author at the
address above.
Za Monografiju "Kolan-Prošlost i sadašnjost" izdanu 2013 je pripremljena
i štampana uz knjigu kao karta, prigodna verzija Stabla s dodanim unosima
iz usmene predaje, prema zapisima Berta Balabanića. Ta verzija je sastavni
dio Monografije, sadrži 3250 unosa do kraja 2012 godine i obuhvaćena je
odvojenim autorskim pravima. Verzija s ove online stranice je stalno
upotpunjavana novim podacima, ne sadrži tekstove iz usmene predaje i
podliježe neovisnim autorskim pravima, koja Autor pridržava u potpunosti.
For the Monograph "Kolan-Prošlost i sadašnjost"="Kolan through history and
today" published in May 2013, a version of the Family Tree with entries from
the oral tradition as registered by Berto Balabanić has been prepared and
added to the book as a chart. That edition contains 3250 entries up to the
end of the year 2012, and is subject to a separate copyright. The version
from this webpage is different, does not contain texts from the oral
tradition, and is permanently updated. A copyright for the online version is
also completely held by the Author.
Dodatak od 2017: Zubovići su selo preko paškog zaljeva od najbliže plaže
kraj Kolana, Sv. Duh. Porodice su često povezane s kolanjskima ženidbenim
vezama i činjenicom da je u 19. stoljeću u Kolanu nikla odvojena grana
Zubovića. Ona je narasla na jednu od važnijih kolanjskih porodica.
Zahvaljujući publikaciji knjige "Tragovi zavičaja" Šime Zubovića
(Zakarijin), gdje je dao listu i uvodnu genealogiju (po njegovim vlastitim
riječima, napravljenu po sjećanju, ne po dokumentima), počeo sam ispisivati
i porodično stablo Zubovića. Taj posao je još u tijeku.
Addition from 2017: Zubovici is a village accros Pag Bay from the nearest
beach to Kolan, Sv.Duh. It is well inter-connected with Kolan, by marriages,
and also the fact that in the 19th ct. a branch of the family started in
Kolan. It grew into one of the more important Kolan families. Thanks to the
publication of the book "Tragovi zavicaja" by Sime Zubovic, where he listed the families
and gave a tentative genealogy (by his own words, it was done from the
memory, not documents), I started to write down the family tree of Zubovici.
This work is still in progress.
During making of Kolan Family Tree we inevitably find some families which
are tentatively from Kolan, but later show to be some other family of
similar family name. It is especially the case with mis-spelling of Croatian
family names in English or other languages. For handy disambiguation, we will
provide basic information about such cases here. We will be grateful for any
correction or addition to this part, too.
Cemelich from Washington State, USA-this family comes from the island of
Rava in front of Zadar city in Croatia. Today it is Čmeljić in Croatia (for
those who do not have the Croatian encoding enabled, it is with
an "v" above the first C and an ' above the last c), in Italian rendering
it was Cmelich. It is not related to Cemelich (Čemeljić) from Kolan.