Miljenko Cemeljic recent results page

Animation of results for KK disc with PLUTO, using the beta viscosity (and resistivity) where the anomalous dissipation is dependent on the radial position and azimuthal velocity, not on disk height and sound velocity as in the alpha-disc: density, 28MB, momentum, 26MB, mp4 files

Animation of PLUTO simulation of KK thin viscous disk in HD accreting onto naked singularity KK disk with naked singularity, mp4 file, 3.2MB,

Animation of Athena++ ideal GRMHD simulation with emergence of the episodic outflow, in collaboration with F. Yuan and H. Yang, Shanghai Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, BH episodic outflow, avi file, 3MB,

Animation of long runtime (T=5000 P_*) large scale (Rmax=300 R_*) SDMI run with the 0.1\Omega_breakup central body rotation, medium B, alpha_v=alpha_m=0.1 (P=2.93 days, B=425 Gauss for YSO): Density, Momentum, Density with velocities (avi files, 38, 54 & 61 MB)

Results of simulations with asymmetric axial outflows, Appendix B from A. Kotek's MS Thesis (December 2022, Phys. Department, University of Warsaw, Poland) Asymmetric axial outflows, pdf file, 15MB,

Animation of simulation results with asymmetric jet, work in collaboration with student A. Kotek from Phys. Department of the University of Warsaw and CAMK, Poland, (see also poster, pdf file): Density, Momentum (mp4 files, 18 and 15 MB)

Animation of backflow in the MHD disk, in the case with 500G stellar field YSO, which is rotating with 0.1\Omega_breakup. Collaboration with Ruchi Mishra from NCAC, Warsaw. mp4 file, 4.2MB

Animation of star-disk interaction in the case of Young Stellar object with 500G stellar dipole magnetic field. The star is rotating with 0.2\Omega_breakup. This animation illustrates the results presented in IAU General Assembly in Vienna in August 2018 (see Fig.1 in pdf file), mp4 file, 8MB

Animation of star-disk interaction in the case of Young Stellar object with 500G stellar dipole magnetic field, Omega_star=0.1 of breakup Omega, alpha_v=1, alpha_m=0.7 (see "Lightcurves" paper), avi file(14.8MB), MP4 file(9.6MB)

Animation of dust layer settling in the disk. Post-processing Python script developed in collaboration with C. Turski computes the movement of the dust particles in the star-disk quasi-stationary solution obtained by myself using the Pluto code. There is no back-reaction of the dust on the disk. avi file, 8MB

Animation of long-lasting White Dwarf star-disk interaction, NCAC, Warsaw, Poland, January 2017, in collaboration with V.Parthasarathy. Results with B_*=1e5 Gauss and power-law cooling (bremsstrahlung) in full Theta plane. avi file, 10.8MB

Animation of long-lasting White Dwarf star-disk interaction, NCAC, Warsaw, Poland, January 2017, in collaboration with V.Parthasarathy. Zoom into results with B_*=1e5 Gauss and power-law cooling (bremsstrahlung). avi file, 6.7MB

Animation of long-lasting White Dwarf star-disk interaction, NCAC, Warsaw, Poland, July 2016. Results with B_*=5e5 Gauss. avi file, 26MB

Animation of long-lasting White Dwarf star-disk interaction, NCAC, Warsaw, Poland, July 2016. Results with B_*=5e4 Gauss-see at times t>50, interesting behavior. avi file, 56MB

Animation of long-lasting (500 stellar rotation=5sec) dipole star-disk interaction simulation in the case of millisecond pulsar, Pluto v.4.1. Work in NCAC, Warsaw, Poland, July 2016. The longest simulation of millisecond pulsar done up to now. It took 7 months on 128 processors to compute this. avi file, 40MB; mp4 file with vectors of velocity, 82MB

Animation of dipole star-disk interaction simulation in half of the meridional plane, Pluto v.4.1. Work in CEA, Saclay, France, June 2015 avi file, 76MB

Animation of dipole star-disk interaction simulation in full meridional plane, Pluto v.4.1. Work in CEA, Saclay, France, July 2015 avi file, 4.3MB

Animation of octupole star-disk interaction simulation, Pluto v.4.1. Work in CEA, Saclay, France, July 2015. Shown during the Disc dynamics & planet formation" conference, 29.06-03.07 2015, Larnaka, Cyprus. avi file, 11MB, youtube

Last updated: October, 2023 by Miki. All rights reserved. Materials are available for download for personal use only. Any other use requires referencing of this webpage or prior permission of the author.

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